First Tiny Steps Pre-School

First Tiny Steps Pre-School in Playgroups & Pre-school category 07946 246022 [email protected]

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The Best Pre-School in Chatham and One of the Best Pre-Schools in Medway! As a small, individual and inclusive pre-school offering high quality childcare services in the centre of Chatham, we provide a safe, caring and stimulating environment where the children are the focus of everything we do. We treat every child as an individual, ensuring that they can become independent whilst feeling happy and secure in our setting. Working amongst children from all walks of life, we collaborate with multiple agencies to offer a holistic, pedagogical approach and provide support to both the children and their families every step of the way. Our pre-school welcomes children between 2-5 years of age and our purpose is to help your child progress, grow and learn in every area of development. We have dedicated Early Years curriculum leaders for each age group as we recognise that all children develop at their own pace.


221 New Rd,Chatham,ME4 4QA


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