Tommies Childcare

Tommies Childcare in Day Nurseries category 01676 540244 [email protected]

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Affordable, quality childcareWelcome to Tommies Childcare, a leading childcare provision in the West Midlands. Tommies Childcare provide full and part time day care in our Children�s Day Nurseries, Pre-Schools and Out of School clubs located across Coventry, Kenilworth and Nuneaton.Founded in 1998 to support families and children in Coventry and Warwickshire, Tommies Childcare Ltd are passionate about providing an excellent service for children and families alike, in safe and stimulating environments. Being a proud family run business ensures that our values and principles are embedded into everything we do.Tommies strive to create a fun, vibrant and interactive environment where each child is respected as an individual. Delivering high quality childcare and education whilst ensuring that fun and laughter is a part of each day.



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