Pink Hippo Day Nursery & Pre School Ltd

Pink Hippo Day Nursery & Pre School Ltd in Day Nurseries category 01297 23535 [email protected]

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Welcome to Pink Hippo Day Nursery & Pre-schoolWe are registered with OFSTED (URN :EY422894) and are inspected against the EYFS Statutory Framework. Our most recent inspection was in June 2011 where we achieved the grade �outstanding� for our provision across all areas.The full report can be found at: Mission Statement : To help each child enjoy, achieve and learn through play, at their own pace, in a happy, secure environment, and lay a secure foundation for future learning and development by working in partnership with parents to promote an inclusive atmosphere, where all are valued and fulfil their potential.


47 Scalwell Lane,Seaton,EX12 2DJ


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