Community transport minibus service providing solutions for residents of Northampton with mobility difficulites and incorporating Northampton ShopmobilityDoor to Door ServiceNorthampton Door to Door Service - a minibus service for people in Northampton who cannot use public transportHow Does it Run?�Northampton Door to Door Service will pick you up at your door and take you to any destination within the borough of Northampton�NDDS vehicles are all specially built to allow access for wheelchairs and electric scooters�Our drivers are specially trained to ensure that your journey with us is comfortable and secureWho Can Use It?�Residents of Northampton who cannot use conventional public transport either because of age related mobility problems or due to permanent or temporary disability�You don't have to be a wheelchair userWhere Can't I Go?�We are unable to take Members who have been referred to the GP for appointments with hospitals or clinicsWhat Does it Cost?�There is a registration fee to become a Member which is currently �15.00, payable each year�Once registered, Members pay a fare on the outward and return