Nomony Children's Centre 01752 261844 [email protected]Nomony Children�s Centre provides a range of services to children aged up to five years and their families in Pymouth.The centre boasts a purpose-built facility and excellent childcare provision for children aged three months to five years. Three age-appropriate playrooms feature their own free-flow access to an extensive outdoor area full of opportunities to learn and play.Nomony also provides professional support for parents and children through a range of easily accessible groups and one-to-one sessions.The following services are available at Nomony:� Good quality early years provision� Parenting advice and support for parents and carers� Drop-in sessions such as toddler groups, baby-weighing and healthy eating courses� Links with Jobcentre Plus, further education and training opportunities� Support for children with special needs and disabilities and their families� Child and family health services including antenatal services and breastfeeding support.