E.G.D Pipeline Services

E.G.D Pipeline Services in Drains & Pipe Cleaning category

https://www.egdpipelineservices.co.uk 07449959738 [email protected]


With over a decade of expertise in the drainage industry E.G.D specializes in delivering top tier drainage solutions for residential, commercial and industrial clients. As a new company we are looking to build a reputation for excellence, tackling everything from stormwater management to complex sewer repairs with precision and reliability. Committed to innovation and customer satisfaction, our experienced team ensures your drainage needs are met with lasting results. Lets keep things flowing smoothly!

Specialists in all aspects of drainage including. Unblocking, Cleaning, CCTV Surveying and Repairs.

Covering the North West, Lancashire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside

Open 24/7 365


79 Conway Road, Hindley Green, Lancashire, Wigan, WN2 4PE


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